Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My First Foray into the World of Online Musings

I cannot believe that I am posting in my very own blog. I am a huge believer of writing in traditional diaries and I tend to frown on technology. But hey, I figured since I am a Web Content Writer at present, it must be destiny for me to write online. I have only started writing paid articles this year and I'm thankful that after I left my previous call center job, I realized that I can earn a living by doing what I love to do.

I'm also thinking that maybe I would post here some of the writing gigs that I would be able to find. I know how hard it is to search for homebased work and I would do my best to update it as much as I can. But please take note that I do not personally know those people who are looking for work-at-home writers so I would also not be able to assure their authenticity as I do not work for them myself.

However, based on my experience, there are quite a lot of legitimate people and companies who do pay their writers. Just make sure that you do research on your potential employers and you will be fine. Watch out for my succeeding posts!